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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Walk-Through Is No Substitute For Inspection

Q DEAR BARRY: Are home inspections required before buying cooperative-living units such as condominiums and townhouses? Home inspection is listed as an option in my purchase contract, but my real estate agent and the listing agent both say an inspection is unnecessary. They assure me that the property management company performed a thorough inspection before the property was listed for sale and that there were no problems with any of the appliances. Should I rely on this advice? -- Henrietta

ADear Henrietta: For a real estate agent to advise against a home inspection is the height of professional irresponsibility and seriously undermines the trust between a client and agent. It is probably the most unreliable advice you are likely to receive in this or any real estate transaction.

You are being misinformed about the substance and scope of a home inspection if it is being compared to the walk-through inspection a property manager is likely to conduct. No management company is qualified to conduct the kind of property evaluation that is routinely performed by a home inspector.

To test what you have been told by the agents, ask if the property manager's inspection followed the standards of the American Society of Home Inspectors, the National Association of Home Inspectors or a similar state association. Ask for a copy of the management company's inspection report. If they have such a report, is it truly limited to appliances? Was there an evaluation of the electrical system, including an inspection of wiring in the breaker panels? Were the outlets tested to determine proper grounding, correct polarity and compliance for shock protection? Did they test and evaluate the plumbing and heating systems? Did they walk on the roof to determine the condition of the material, the quality of installation, the likelihood of leaks, or the need for repairs and maintenance? Did they inspect the fireplace and chimney, the firewall in the garage, conditions in the attic and below the building?

Those are all unlikely. Common sense and buyer prudence should trump the advice of the agents. Don't close the deal without a professional home inspection. A qualified, experienced inspector will find defects the manager never considered.

DEAR BARRY: I'm about to buy a 1920s house and am concerned about possible moisture problems in the two-room basement. The walls, floor and ceiling in one of these rooms were recently coated with concrete. Can I assume this is a disguise for water damage or dampness? -- Linda

Dear Linda: Although it is possible that concrete was applied to conceal a moisture problem, you need more evidence to reach that conclusion. Make sure your home inspector pays serious attention to this concern and to the likelihood of moisture problems. You might consider having a geotechnical engineer evaluate ground water conditions in general. Also, pay attention to visible signs of mold or musty odors.

Barry Stone is a professional home inspector. If you have questions or comments, contact him through his Web site,, or send mail to 1776 Jami Lee Ct., Suite 218, San Luis Obispo, Calif. 93401.

Distributed by Access Media Group

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