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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home values continue to decline

Information through Nov 2010 displays negative annual growth rates of 17 20 multi-functional satellite augmentation system, and what was reported in October 2010. The 10-City Composite was 0,4% and the 20-City composite declined by 1.6% in November 2009 compared to the levels of 10 and 20 of the city of composites. Home prices fell 19 to 20 November the multi-functional satellite augmentation system, and both composites in their October level.Only four regions – Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and Washington DC – showed more than a year in profits. Of the eight markets – Atlanta, Charlotte, Detroit, Las Vegas, Miami, Portland (or), Seattle, and Tampa-hit their low, because the home prices peaked in 2006 and 2007, i.e., that the domestic prices in those markets have fallen even more than set a 2009. Your chart in the spring round of CS Housing up the lowest average, click for a largerline chart: the home page may continue to Decline

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